After a three week sabbatical, the MoaT returns in triumphant technicolor, ie beige, pewter, and a host of other unfashionable hues.
I’d planned on taking a month break, but I’m feeling more or less back in the game, and a flattering number of readers have been asking if I’m ok.
Thank you, sincerely. Yes, I am ok.
I’ve been reading, writing, and working through the final stages of grieving the loss of my weird and whacky rock and roll life, at least the version that saw me committing fashion faux pas on TV.
I wrote on June 7th about a “nourishing melancholy,” and that’s where I currently sit. It’s really not so bad. I’m learning a lot.
And I’ve quietly broken ground on a multi-album/EP project - Matt Musty from Train and Tyler Carroll of Allen Stone/Jonas Brothers fame have sent me their parts for the title track, and I’ll begin recording vocals and mixing here at my cozy home studio next week. More on all this soon.
So, yes, I am, as I hope you are, maintaining a tenuous grip on asthmatic sanity during an epically dismal, yet perplexingly mellifluous slog.
Hang in there, everyone.