
Behold, the not-so-debaucherous life of a guy with no real world skills, pleasantly condemned to do this shit, in some form or another, for the rest of his life.  

  • 9 hours in the bunk on show days, 10 hours on days off.

  • drink more water than you previously thought possible.

  • Vitamins, vitamins, and jesus god more vitamins.

  • An hour of yoga before every show.

  • Regard the bottle of Jameson with a wistful smile, remembering the good times but also that one time you slept slumped against a vending machine in, jesus, Philadelphia? Better, sometimes, to surrender gracefully the things of youth.

  • Knowing that, at the end of a long tour, you’re a different person, and just who that dapper bastard might be you’re oh so eager to find out.