That's OK

Getting off the road, it’d be days before socks found their way into drawers. 

This time around, I unpack immediately and put everything away. 

You’re not on tour anymore, I tell myself. You’re home, and that’s ok. 

I used to put off grocery shopping, feigning indigence that I should stoop to such quotidian lows as buying and preparing my own freaking steak.

This time around, I get right to dusting off pots and pans.

You’re not on tour anymore, I tell myself. You’re home, and that’s ok. 

I used to look at a calendar without tour dates and break down in a trembly panic. Will we ever be busy again?

This time around, I’m intrigued by the possibilities of a schedule I’m entirely in charge of. 

You’re not on tour anymore, I tell myself. You’re home, and that’s ok.