Industry Dinosaurs
An open letter to music industry dinosaurs, inspired by what I overheard today at the Red Bicycle:
What you said:
There’s no money in the music business.
What you should have said:
The business I came up in doesn’t exist anymore, but we’re on the cusp of something new. I don’t understand it, but then again it’s not mine to understand. I’ve had my swing at the plate, and now it’s your turn. Go figure it out. You’ll be fine.
What you said:
If you’re over 25, don’t bother.
What you should have said:
Kids don’t give a shit how old you are. They never did, and no one does. In the old system, we tended to sign younger acts because, frankly, they were easier to exploit, but nowadays you can release music however and whenever you want. Do that.
What you said:
No one buys records anymore.
What you should have said:
The industry’s only as strong as the songs it represents. People will pay for something great. What they won’t pay for is bullshit. Write great songs.