Assclown Distraction

Today, I had an encouraging meeting with a young booking agent working for a major agency. She was upbeat, inexorably positive, excited about the entrepreneurial potential within our loony industry, and appropriately dismissive of the status quo. I told her how much I appreciated her candor, and how refreshing it is speaking with someone from a big company who’s stoked on the future rather than bemoaning the absence of Lobster Thermidor at every meeting. After a trying few days, it was a breath of fresh air.

I’m reminded to surround myself with badasses. Yes, there are capricious rat-bastards in the music business, and yes, there are multitudes whose hearts are gone, and that’s sad. But there are a whole lot of folks fighting the good fight (my phrase of choice lately). It’s on us to seek these people out, buy them smoothies, and team up against cynicism - the enemy of all things audacious and wonderful. 

It's not your fault that guy over there's an assclown. It's really not. Don't let said assclown distract you from the good stuff, which in my case right now is old school Megadeth, a home cooked meal, and welcoming change with open arms.