What Your Guitar Says About You
In what's become a maddening constant in my life, I'm writing this from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. But no bitching and complaining from this wandering troubadour, no siree! Thankfully, my good bud Tommy Siegel from Jukebox the Ghost's keeping me company by way of his genius daily cartoon project, Tommy Siegel is doing a cartoon every day for a year against all good sense.
The name's pretty self-explanatory, and what's especially impressive is A) he's done/is doing it and B) each and every one's fucking spot on. Tommy's a hilarious, nuanced dude with a keen eye for and appreciation of the absurd, aka my kinda SOB.
Here's a link to his Instagram, where you can also see every cartoon in all it's glory, and below's a favorite from the past week that hits hilariously close to home.